Hello to anyone reading,
My mind is blank right now but my girls say, "write more stories grama."
guess I will start with my family. My first is Terry Lynn, my second is
Gary Wayne, and my third I lost at birth - Sheri Ann. I guess I will start
with Sheri.
They say mothers can tell if something is wrong and I sure
did. I did not gain the weight like I did with the other two and she
was a couple of weeks early, but I did feel good my whole pregnancy.
Sheri was born deformed and only lived for a few hours. It was very
hard at the time because I had two little ones at home waiting for mom
to bring home a new baby. I tried to explain to them but they were too young. I told them Sheri was sick and was in heaven now. My family and
friends had given me a baby shower so Terry and Gary helped me fold up
all her clothes and along the way were given to someone in need.
When I
became pregnant with my next one I was scared the whole time. Mark
Robert was born with the cord wrapped around his neck. His color wasn't so good but after awhile he pinked right up and did well. Then my
fourth and last one came along, another little girl we named Lori Elaine
who was a joy to us all. All my kids were a joy it was hard along the
way at times money wise but we managed. They were clean, well fed, and
much loved.
Now I will tell you about a few places we
have lived in. We lived in two different places on Locust Street and
then we moved to San Jose for a few years where John's work was. That
didn't seem to work out because our family and friends were in
Watsonville and we were there every weekend. John and I talked it over
and decided to move back home. We found this old house on Roach Road - the rent was cheap but we had a lot of fixing up and painting to do. It
was small but we made it do.
After a few years we decided to look
around for a place to buy and we found one. It was an old school house*
and again it needed work done. I was pregnant with Lori at that time so
for the next ten, twenty, thirty or even fourty years we were busy with
the house. The kids learned a lot along the way. We put in windows,
doors, a fireplace - all rock that we found at clear creek over by Holister and all hand picked by the Keith family. I'm sure the kids got
tired of our house always under construction but you know what? They
still had there friends over to spend the night and time to go hunting
and camping!
This is a pretty long blog but like I said before when I
talk about my kids I could go on and on! I think this tells you I love
my family.
Enough for now,
Mom, Grama, and Great
Keep'em coming mom! But now people who read your blog know how old I am! LOL (LOL means Laugh Out Loud)