Tuesday, October 9, 2012

a nickel a game.

Hi Dee,  
I'm sure everyone knows by now, I send DeeDee (Erin) my stories and she puts it on my blog. A sweet granddaughter I would say. Love you Dee.
My story today is going to be about horseshoes. It starts out with my grampa the one that was left with his three sons to raise that I told you about in an earlier story.  Well anyway he ended up in Watsonville too living with one of my aunts. He was old by then. My one uncle became a horseshoe champion in Arizona and had all kinds of trophies and of course my grampa was good too.

When I was pregnant with my first one - Terry - I was living with my folks on First Street. John was in the Navy and my folks were both working. I ended up helping with the kids and the housework. My grampa came to our house almost everyday and guess what we did?  We played horseshoes. He would bet me a nickel a game. After a while I started to win a few and boy was it hard to get a nickel  from my tight grampa!
As I got bigger and bigger we slowed down a little.  I went to the hospital to have Terry and the next  day my grampa had a heart attack and died. I was happy with my baby girl but sad about my grampa. When I got home from the hospital sitting in the front room was this beautiful baby buggy and on this card it said it was from grampa. My how I cried knowing I would never see him again.
Mom, grama, and great grama


  1. Thanks for the tears AGAIN mom. I LOVE reading your stories but I LOVE you more!

  2. I grew up with that bitter sweet story of my birth.b I wish I had known my great gramps!

  3. Thanks for sharing your beautiful stories. It must have been so hard for you to feel such joy and pain together.
